The Medicine Woman Circle is a full body immersive experience, with the intention for you to connect to the unwavering nature inside of yourself, and then (hopefully), for you to trust the guidance you receive from within and to nurture that connection.
This is a circle created upon deep integrity and authenticity, only ever encouraging you to meet yourself and express yourself fully, in the safety of sisterhood & presence of fellow medicine women.

what to expect;
Altar Making.
Introductions & sharing circle.
Live Percussion, Prayers, Gratitudes, Offerings.
Voice & Body Activation with live percussion.
Ancestry Meditation.
Moments of reflection.
Connection Ceremony.

The Medicine Woman Circle is the perfect immersion to experience state change. To receive energy clearing and release stagnant or highly charged energy and to help you to reawaken to who you truly are.
For Woman who bleed with the Moon. You are the Medicine.

do you resonate with any of the below?
You are a woman.
You know what it feels like to suppress yourself.
You've held yourself back from speaking your truth.
You people please
You limit yourself and postpone your joy.
Telling yourself ‘you can’t’, or ‘you shouldn’t’.
You find it hard to relax and be still.
You are critical of yourself & other.
You compare yourself.
You feel unhappy, frustrated, angry, depressed and powerless about certain aspects of your life.
You tell yourself ‘yeah well who doesn’t.
Perhaps you feel like your wired for pain.
You care deeply yet feel helpless about the state of the world.

a space created for you to feel and heal. For you to dance, express, sing and flow with your inner Shakti​. For you to feel all your blocks, fears, doubts and limitations. All that is standing between you and your authentic expression and liberation.
& for you to, in the present moment, in the safety, presence and medicine of other women...
transmute that energy into something greater...
TMWC is a living prayer, ​​a transmission of energy.​ Healing each other, and creating ​healing for mankind.
Be held in authenticity, next to your sisters & shed your armor, into love and unity.